***INCOMING MESSAGE FROM DUNCAN***I am Duncan, the AI in charge of weapons here on the Maruder.Our ship is a fully armed battle cruiser. We are carying an extensive array of missles and other assorted weaponry. USG Marine Companys Fox and Charlie have been assigned to this vessel. There are a total of two-hundred and thirty-five men between them, all highly trained. We should be able to defeat the Pfhor easily. Most of the ship is undamaged from the attack. We will soon be ready to assault the enemy ship. Please enter the nearby teleporter nearby, and I will send you on your next mission. You and an elite commando squad will distrct the Pfhor whilst Fox company assaults the ship. Carlie company will remain in reserve. There is a low level magnetic filed in the area, but it should'nt cause problems. warren has requested that I fill you in on what is happening. I will start with when we found you. We located your body floating about in a debries field in this region of space. You were in a strange suspended animation chamber. Our scientists revieved you, and you reaction was...quite...rude, as you know. Now that you seem to have yourself under control, Captain Briggs has decided to integrate you into Charlie company for the duration of the battle. I realize that you must be very disorientated still, but we must ask that you try to cope, and to adjust to your surroundings.As you know, you have been out of the loop for over forty years. We know nothing of the individuals you speak of, including 'Lella' any info on this person would be appreciated. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $BFILE SEARCH,NETBASE, ITEM QUERY:MARATHON/SHIPS$b.....scanning....0 files out of 3,472 possible items. The file 'Marathon' is not a known ship. To gain access to level two security files, you must upgrade your status. Please see your squad officer for details. Thank you for using NetBase :)